All Lifestyle


woensdag, oktober 15, 2014Nena

Behind the blog by turn it inside out fashion blogger diary lifestyle instagram recap inspiration minimalsm fashion outfit streetstyle
I did a lot of shopping lately but my boyfriend also did, he bought this awesome marble shirt and to be honest, it looks great on me too right? I hope I can borrow (steal) it some times hah!
Behind the blog by turn it inside out fashion blogger diary lifestyle instagram recap inspiration minimalsm fashion outfit streetstyle
I went to Antwerp for a school trip, we had to analyse the interiors of some interesting stores and I started with Karl Lagerfeld - that one actually wasn't on the list but whatever haha. I came out with a bag of course. I'll show you soon what's inside. Stay tuned!

Behind the blog by turn it inside out fashion blogger diary lifestyle instagram recap inspiration minimalsm fashion outfit streetstyle
That same bag from Karl Lagerfeld ruined my white bomber jacket. It was raining outside and I was protecting the bag by keeping it very close. Bad idea cause the black pigment was all over my jacket. It tried sooooo many thing to get it out of my jacket but the black spots only got purple. My last try was a decolorising product from HG and it worked! My jacket is white as snow again!

Behind the blog by turn it inside out fashion blogger diary lifestyle instagram recap inspiration minimalsm fashion outfit streetstyle
I came across this picture on while browsing on the internet. I've seen a lot of walk in closets but this one is the most perfect I've ever seen! 

Behind the blog by turn it inside out fashion blogger diary lifestyle instagram recap inspiration minimalsm fashion outfit streetstyle
Of course I would need a bigger closet than the one above cause I bought a new jumper - again.

Behind the blog by turn it inside out fashion blogger diary lifestyle instagram recap inspiration minimalsm fashion outfit streetstyle
And I saved the best one for last. My boyfriend bought me a surprise a while ago but it Arrived this week. How cool is my panda milk glass! Aaah it's so cute!!

For so far my little update of what I'm doing behind my blog. Have a lovely day! 

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  1. Woww wat een geluk met je bomber dat ie weer wit is :) Enn dat shirt love it :) Leuke update!

    Liefs Nora /

