All Outfit


dinsdag, september 08, 2015Nena

Turn it inside out // Wide leg trousers

Turn it inside out // Wide leg trousers
Turn it inside out // Wide leg trousers
Turn it inside out // Wide leg trousers
Turn it inside out // Wide leg trousers
Turn it inside out // Wide leg trousers
First I wasn't sure about wide leg trousers but when I saw other people wearing them I had to admit that they look pretty stylish. I actually could use them in my closet since I'm a noob if it comes to chic clothes. When I have to go to a chic party or event I'm always like 'is it allowed to wear ripped jeans?' I guess that problem is solved now. I went for an affordable pair of wide leg trousers in a navy color since it's always black, black and black. I killed to birds with one shot cause they're elegant and my first navy trousers ever. I'm so happy with my decision! 

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